Exhibition History

Gabriel Heimler and Anna Proc | Gauguin in Aotearoa



Article from Metropol magazine


Media Release Heimlerand Proc Gauguinin Aotearoa 800

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Heimler -and -Proc -Gauguin -in -Aotearoa -Series -1

Heimler -and -Proc -Gauguin -in -Aotearoa -Series -2

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Exhibition Gallery

Heimler and Proc |Celebration | Acyrlic on canvas| framed 122x83cm |McATamney Gallery and Design store | Geraldine NZ


$10,000 - $20,000 (NZD)

Heimler and Proc 


acrylc on canvas

83 x 122 cm

Heimler and Proc |Wairua | Spirit 102x153 cm| McATamney Gallery and Design store | Geraldine NZ


Heimler and Proc 

Gauguin in Aotearoa 

Wairua | Spirt 

acrylic on canvas

153 x 102 cm

Heimler and Proc |Out of the English Garden | Acrylic on canvas | McAtammey Gallery and Design Store | Geraldine NZ


$5,000 - $10,000 (NZD)

Gabriel Heimler and Anna Proc 

Gauguin in Aotearoa 

Out of the English Garden 

acrylic on canvas

Heimler and Proc |Summer Shadow| Acrylic on canvas | McAtammey Gallery and Design Store | Geraldine NZ


Gabriel Heimler and Anna Proc 

Gauguin In Aotearoa 

Summer Shadow 

acrylic on canvas

61 x 91 cm